Thursday, September 10, 2009

Some ideas on my faith...

The christian faith is alive only when it is listening, morphing, innovating, letting go of whatever has gotten in the way of Jesus and embracing whatever will help us be more and more the people god wants us to be.
Being a christian is more about celebrating mystery than conquering it.
The idea that some people have faith and others don't is a popular one.
But it is not a true one.
Everyone has faith. everybody is following somebody.

(I'm so drained today that high full feeling is waning
I don't want to give it up though so i press in delve deeper plan better create more my heart wants my dreams to be more tangible but i just have to expect greatness and wait and pursue)
life is what i make out of it i am daily painting the colors of my future and crafting the fabric of my existence today its chill and slow but that's OK because tomorrow is a new day full of opportunity and i believe my life is at the start of one of the most vivid alive season i will ever have i wait expectantly on my God

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